Watch This If You Want To Grow (or Sell) Your Clinic After This Crisis Without Feeling Stressed
See What Clinic Owners Are Saying About Clinic Accelerator During This Crisis...
Read Message From Rick Lau
Dear Clinic Owner,

If you're like most clinic owners you want simplified growth.

Clinic owners come to me because they don't want 7,000 new ideas to "test" to see what works.

They don't want the latest theory or "hack".

Instead, they want proven ideas, focus, and clarity. They want to grow their clinic without having to deal with all the stress, overwhelm and complexity.

Most importantly they want the freedom to do what they want and when they want... without having to be at the clinic working all the time. All while their clinic still grows.

Basically, they want me to analyze their clinic to figure out exactly what they need to do to grow and then help them do it.

I call it...

Finding The One "Big Clinic Domino"
Throughout my years of working with 100’s of clinic owners like yourself… owning 127 successful multidisciplinary clinics… and running the largest clinic owner conference in Canada, AccelerateLIVE - I have come to realize ONE THING…
(Me With over 300 Clinic owners from Canada and the U.S at AccelerateLIVE.)
There’s always ONE big domino in every clinic…

That when uncovered, will totally transform your clinic.

And if you can find it and knock it down... everything will change in your clinic... faster than you could ever imagine!
Proven Treatment Plan Increased Revenue By $565,646.00 In Just 3 Months
Take my client, a clinic owner in Alberta for example. We first met in 2017 he was struggling to grow and flatlined for a few years.  

(Now I won’t share my client’s names because one they don’t want anyone to copy them and two I’m sharing their financial statements below for proof.)

When he first started, he was able to grow and expand rather quickly because there just weren’t nearly as many clinics as there are now. But as he added more and more clinics (15+ actually)... his growth flatlined and he was making less money. All while working more than ever.

I came in and realized that his big domino was, he was only focusing on bringing in new patients instead of keeping them. This neglected area was why his business stagnated.

So I gave him the proven treatment plan that gets patients to buy in on day 1 to minimize patient discharge rate. 

After implementing it, he added an extra $565,646.00 to his revenue in just 15 months… with a profit growth of 47%.

This would have never happened if we hadn’t found that “Big Domino”. 
Then there’s Jamie...
How Jamie (a chiropractor) Added An Extra $15,000.00 Per Month…In Less Than 60 Days
What’s interesting is everyone’s “Big Domino” is different.

Jamie was sitting on a goldmine in his clinic and didn’t even know it. We helped him uncover it. Then implemented ONE strategy to get even more appointments from the calls he was already getting.

By giving him the phone scripts that are working incredibly well now … from all 201 clinics we work with.

By working with 165 clinics we can test things and see what’s working now at everyone else’s clinics. 

With Jamie, we just changed the way he answered the phones to convert even more calls into appointments... that we saw working at all the other clinics.

This ONE THING according to Jamie “Added an Extra $15,000.00 per month… almost instantly.” 

Best of all he didn’t spend a dime more on marketing.
Mr. X Grew Physio Revenue by $110,275 and Profit 178% By Focusing On This
I’m calling this Physiotherapy Clinic Owner “Mr. X.” because he doesn’t want anyone to copy him. 

When I started working with Mr. X, he was doing less than 1 million a year. His big problem was... it was difficult to find good Physiotherapists in BC. He had the demand but he didn’t have enough PTs to take on the patients. 

He was leaving a lot of money on the table because each PT is worth $250K in annual billings.

So we helped build his bench by using our proven recruitment strategy to attract the right Physiotherapist full-time (instead of part-timers aka "Clinic Killers"). All without having to pay them more than everyone else. They were coming to him instead of having to chase them.

This strategy even turned most of his part-time physio’s into full-time so patients were booking 2-3 times a week... which lowered his self-discharge rate.

This increased his revenue by $110,275 and profit by 178%...

This Simple Thing Took a Few Minutes to Implement and Lowered HR turnover from 60% to 18%
Luke owns a multi-disciplinary clinic in Ontario. He came to me because his HR turnover rate was 60%. 

Recruiters were poaching is clinicians and staff right from underneath him.

He was having a culture problem that's so common now with clinics. He realized that what worked in the past to motivate and engage his staff no longer works now.

Especially when "big corporate" clinics have full-time recruiters that can offer a salary that most clinics can’t afford.

So we gave him just ONE easy thing to do that only took a few minutes to implement. This lowered his HR turnover from 60% to 18%... without giving them a raise.

His staff was thrilled with the change.

You see we not only help you grow your clinic without stress or overwhelm... but we give you the tools to turn your team into a high-performance team.
“Red Flag” Leads to Spike In Revenue of $161,484 and Profit By 71%
I met this beautiful husband and wife in 2018. They had one child and owned a successful multi-million dollar clinic.

Their problem was, they just didn’t have any time to work on their business because they were seeing patients all the time. 

Plus they didn’t really know what to work on that would really move the needle. They really just wanted to be a clinic boss and not treat at all. So they could take off whenever they wanted, spend more time with their child, and do what they love.

So their Big Domino was that they weren’t using the right Metrics and Systems.

So we implemented the weekly scoreboard that measured the entire patient experience journey from phone call to discharge. This allowed us to uncover where the leaks were.

And the 52 metrics on our weekly scoreboard allowed them to know exactly what they should be working on for the quarter.

This helped them increase their revenue by $161,484 (34%) and Profit by 71%. Which is very rare for a multi-million dollar clinic to continue to grow at 34% annually. This usually only happens with startups. 

Plus we implemented the correct Clinic Org Structure to free up their time so their clinic grows without them have to be there all the time. And now they aren’t treating patients anymore...
From Barely Making Payroll to over 300% Profit... Without Cutting Any Staff
We starting working with him in early 2017. He had a big clinic with over 25 clinicians from Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, and massage therapists. It was making over $2 million a year in revenue. 

But there was a BIG problem. He was making no profit. He was constantly worrying about being able to make payroll and all his overhead.

So we found the one big domino in his clinic. And within 18 months of working together... he tripled his profits and nearly doubled his revenue. Growing 87%!
From Losing Money to Doubling His Revenue to $1.2 Million In Less Than 12 Months
This clinic owner came to me in 2017 as well because he was losing money. He had a $600,000 practice but was always in the hole every month.

So we made a key fundamental change to his clinic which doubled his revenue to $1,200,000 with a $280,000 profit. All in less than one year.

And another struggling Physiotherapy Clinic owner we found his big domino and his revenue grew 53%. But more importantly, he got both clinics running on autopilot. This freed up his time so much he’s been able to successfully open a third clinic.

Sold 127 Physiotherapy and Chiropractor Clinics For $37,000,000.00
I hear so many stories from clinic owners on how Corporate is trying to buy them out for only 3x their annual profits. For example, a clinic owner came to me. He and his wife are in their 50s. With kids still in school, they’re not ready to retire yet, but it’s on their mind. 

He just got an offer from a ‘big corporate’ owner of hundreds of clinics and wanted my help to decide how to respond. The offer was only 3x his annual profits which wasn’t enough to fund his retirement. 

I explained to him that you can sell your clinic for 10x instead... so you can spend your golden years doing the things you love... instead of worrying about money. 

In fact, I'm the co-founder of pt Health and recently sold 127 clinics (pt Health) for 11x our annual profits by following a proven blueprint to get the maximum value possible for a clinic. So I gave him a simple blueprint to follow and now he’s on his way to selling his clinic for 10x instead of being bullied into 3x by “big corporate”.
I can help you sell your Physiotherapy or Chiropractor clinic for the maximum value possible. Plus help you find hungry buyers with deep pockets - who will be happy to pay top dollar for your clinic.

What Do All These Success Stories Have In Common?
First, the obvious.

They are all my clients and my team and I worked very hard with each to get those results.

But there is another thing those stories all have in common.
If you read those stories again. You'll notice in everyone, we just found that ONE thing. That One "Big Domino" and focused on that.

We didn't ask them to implement 1,000s of things.


I’ve been advising clinic owners and helping them grow for 7 years now.

And before that, I’ve built and sold 127 successful Physiotherapy and Chiropractor clinics for over $37 million.

And though all this, I've learned that every clinic has that ONE big domino that when uncovered and knocked down causes everything to change. Not only in your clinic but in your personal life as well.
Imagine What Could Happen If You Found That "One Big Domino" That Changes Everything
Imagine how that could change your clinic...

If you took action, you might double, triple, and even quadruple your revenue...

All while decreasing your stress and overwhelm...

You could spend more “present” time with family, doing what you love, taking more vacations... without always having to be at the clinic working...

You could have more income certainty just by finding that ONE big dominio…

You could sell your clinic for more than you ever thought possible so you can finally retire comfortably when you want... without worrying about money.

But finding that one big domino is difficult. It could take years of going through all the painful trials and errors to gain the experience required.

Not only that cost hundreds of thousands in avoidable mistakes, missed opportunities, and pushing your retirement further back.

But there's good news...

My Team and I Will Find Your Big Domino For You Just Like We Have With Hundreds of Clinics
You won’t have to worry about implementing a whole bunch of ideas… adding more and more to your “to do” list.

We help you implement it.

My team and I have a combined experience of 71 years in the trenches helping clinics grow. Here’s who you’ll have in your corner helping you take your clinic to the next level and bullet-proof your clinic from consolidation...

Darryl Yardley
One of the top clinical mentors in Canada. He has recruited and mentored over 250+ students and new grads over the past 10 years.
Karen Craven
Owner of multi million dollar physiotherapy clinic in Saskatchewan where many Olympic and professional athletics train.
Paul Moon
Spent 15 years as Chief Operating Officer at PT Health, one of Canada's largest rehab companies with over 1400 employees.
Sanjeev Bhatia
Spent 15 years in the trenches running patient experience operations for both Lifemark (400+ clinics) and Myodetox (11+ clinics) 
Rohan Raheja
A chartered accountant that spent the last 10 years in senior positions at KPMG, Microsoft, Disney, and Lifemark Health (200+ clinics)
Andrew Leyland
Spent last 5 years as a digital marketer manager who has build hundreds of high converting websites, funnels, and email marketing campaigns
 Take a look at what others clinic owners are saying…

"I now have a community behind me to grow my 2 clinicsDr. Nick Stryniak

"I wish I had Clinic Accelerator when I first opened my clinic" Tamsin Snodgrass

"I know have the systems to own a great business" Kathy Yardley

"I have grown my clinic to over $2 million this yearJudy Fullerton

"I only have 5 hours a week of patient care" Nelly Tamrez

"I feel supported by the Clinic Boss community & the coaches" Dr. Sapna Sriram 

"I had no systems & culture before Clinic Accelerator" Nicole Hart

"I know have financial visibility & systems to grow my 3 massage clinics" Brenda Beattie

"These guys know know their stuff and has your back" Leslie Tempest

"I had a glass ceiling with my clinic revenues before Clinic Accelerator" Dr Gord Mcmorland

"I now has the systems and leadership mentorship to grow my clinic by over 31% this year" Manvir Singh 

"I can now measure every single step in my patient experience" Paolina Spremulli 

"I love having 24/7 access to the community & all the tactics for my 3 clinics" Grant storzuk

Now you may be thinking that my clinic is “different” or this only works in “Big Cities”
The fact is, we’ve helped achieve incredible results in Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, and Niche Clinics… in both small towns and big cities. 

Startups, sole practitioners, and multi-disciplinary clinics.

Even in the most competitive places you can imagine and places where corporate clinics bought up most of the clinics in the area. While the other clinics are left are worrying about how they’re going to keep their doors open. 

Our clients are still thriving and charging more than everyone else… without price resistance.

Does This Sound Like Something You’re Interested In?
If so, we can help you. Now let me be completely clear upfront. In order to get these kinds of results, I’ve shown you. It takes some time and effort. And you have to be willing to let us help you.

If you’re interested in working together…

Here’s How It Works
The clients I told you about in this letter are part of an exclusive group called “Clinic Accelerator”.

And I like to invite you to join us.

We will focus on finding that One Big Domino in your clinic and focus on that. Once perfected. We will move on to the next BIG thing and so on.

Here’s what's included in Clinic Accelerator: 

✓ Strategic Game Plan Session: You’ll begin with a game plan session to create a clear 90-day roadmap that ensures you are ROI positive within that time frame. We will tell you exactly what to do (and when)... so you don't have to keep guessing and waste any more time. 

✓ Community Mentorship Calls: We will meet every week for 60-minute calls with the community. On this call, you’ll work through challenges and frustrations that arise each week on your business.  Leverage the power of the community and your coaches to get your burning questions answered. 

✓ Marketing Labs: You will get what is working right now inside our "Marketing Labs" where we are creating new marketing funnels (every week) and testing it across our hundreds of clinics inside our community. Includes emails templates, landing pages, workshops, google ads, facebook ads, doctors, employers etc. Plus we are negotiating with big employers and insurance providers to generate referrals for our community

Your going to get tactical strategies on how you can turn that mountain of gold at your clinic into revenue. Most clinics have thousands of emails and phone calls but don't know to capitalize on this massive list (neither do the marketing agencies you have hired in the past!)

✓ 30 Day Challenges:  Signup for any of the 30 day challenges we offer each month. Your clinic accelerator team will hold you accountable each week to deliver results. Here are a few of the sample challenges... 

- How to work on the business without feeling overwhelmed
- How to run a level 10 meeting and keep them focused that moves your metrics
- How to setup your weekly scoreboard and take action to move your metrics
-How to setup your profit & loss with your book keeper and use it as an operational tool -
-How to turn around a low performing clinician without them quitting
✓ Training Vault: You get access to checklist-style "Playbooks" so learnings STICK and ideas get IMPLEMENTED. Leverage our comprehensive digital training library from everything you need to grow your clinic, build a high-performance team, and sell your clinic for the maximum value possible. 

As well as tools, phone scripts that are working now, and staff presentations we have battle-tested in our own clinics (and our clients)... so you can easily execute any of the tactics we teach you with your team.

✓ 911 Emergency Access To Us: You get direct access to me and any of the experts on my team. We are committed to your business and will treat your business just like it was our own.  Plus you get access to the hundreds of clinic owners in the community who can help you

If accepted, I can guarantee you’ll be absolutely thrilled because we’ve been getting these kinds of results repeatedly.

This group is by invite only and not everyone who applies gets accepted. I’ll give you a link to invite at the bottom of this letter.

Now, this is not for everyone…

Here’s Who We Can Help
You have or want a health business doing at least $1M in annual revenues. 

You need to believe in yourself and that your greatest gift as a clinic owner is to impact as many people in your community as possible.

You have to be coachable and not think you already have the perfect patient experience operations.

You want to learn our shortcuts and don’t want to spend the next 20 years trying to figure it out yourself.

You have to be willing to move fast.

Also, THIS IS NOT AN ONLINE MARKETING COURSE. There are enough people doing this already.  

This is about operations, systems, and leadership development as I showed you in those success stories.

However, we are good at marketing and will show you what’s working now online, doctor, employer, and community-based marketing... that’s been working like crazy for hundreds of clinics in our community.

We also give you all the marketing templates and funnels so you can easily do it yourself.

If you meet the criteria above... 
Here’s How to Apply
Just click the button below and fill out the application. Then you and I will schedule a time for a quick call. The call will be maybe 30 minutes and if I think we’re a good fit. I’ll invite you to participate in Clinic Accelerator.

If you feel like this is right for you, simply click the “Apply Now” button below and fill out the short application. It’s on a first-come, first-served basis... so act now before the remaining spots are gone and you miss out on this opportunity for good.

I created Clinic Accelerator Community to create a movement because of the "Big 3" currently owning over 731 clinics across the country. 

These companies have multimillion-dollar marketing budgets, have preferred provider relationships with insurance companies (where patients bypass your clinic for theirs), full-time recruiters that poach your clinicians.

I have been on both sides (grassroots vs corporate) and I can tell you it's an unfair fight

That’s why I am so excited for our growing community (201+ clinics!!) .... what we’re building is not a company... it’s a movement.

Imagine the possibilities if we stick together like family!

Imagine our community sharing our knowledge, innovating on our successes and learning from our failures.

Imagine the impact our community can have on the profession. This is why I believe in so much in our community and our grassroots movement.

To protecting our community from the emerging threats to changes in healthcare and to bulletproof our clinics for the future.

We Are Stronger Together!

So if you feel this is right for you, click the Apply Now button below.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter.

Talk soon,

Rick Lau      |       privacy policy
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