“I Was Shocked at How Low Our Answer Rate Was”
Watch Jason’s Story, then Test Your Clinic’s Phones with CallGrader
Jason from Ontario was shocked when he found out his clinic was only answering the phone 74% of the time, he took action and did something about it after the CallGrader test.  Now his clinic is answering the phone 95% of the time.
Do you know the #1 reason why your online and doctor marketing isn’t working?
It’s because you are not answering the phones. 

Your patients are already calling you. Are you answering and booking all the calls into appointments?

Most ordinary clinics only answer 70% of their phone calls and miss 300 calls every month. Smart clinics are answering at 95%. How does your clinic compare?

New patients and the several thousand dollars they each represent are already coming to you on the phone. They’re calling you every day. They call you because they found you online, were recommended by a doctor, have pain, discomfort, aches, and other problems that you have the ability and the desire to make better. That’s why you got into this business.
What is one phone call from a new patient worth to you? 

Is it $500? $1000? Whatever it is, that’s what each of these calls you’re not answering is worth.

If you answered just 10 new patients calling per month (that’s 2-3 per week), that would mean $5000 - $10,000 in additional revenue – per month.

So – should you work on your marketing? Maybe. But let’s put first things first: 

Let’s find out how many calls you’re missing – your Answer Rate. Once you know that, you can work on increasing your rate by answering your phone more often. And after that, maybe, with all the new revenue you’ll be earning, you can start thinking about new marketing you feel might be worth your investment. 

For now, stop focusing on marketing. Focus on optimizing what it’s already producing.

Get your Answer Rate tested for FREE. Our automated system (CallGrader) randomly calls your clinic over the 3-4 week testing period and finds out how many calls you are missing.  With no technical anything to set up, the decision to test your phones with CallGrader couldn’t be any easier. 
How the CallGrader Test Works
The best part about CallGrader is, you don’t have to do anything. Our automated system randomly calls your clinic over the 3-4 week testing period during your business hours.

When they answer, they’ll hear an automated message saying it’s the wrong number, or asking for Jane. Our system records if someone answered, and how long it took.
Get your phone tested and get 1 page report with proven strategies to answer and book even more new patients calls at your clinic. Share the results with your team at your next staff meeting.
See How This Clinic Owner Increased His Revenue by $15,000 After Using CallGrader
Most ordinary clinics only answer 70% of their phone calls and miss 300 calls every month.  Smart clinics are answering at 95%. 
The best part about CallGrader is, you don’t have to do anything. And it works best if you tell no one on your team about it. You want to get truly raw data for what’s happening now – what’s normal for your clinic.

Patient experience on the phone is measured by answer rates and new patient booking rates. 

Have you ever called a business and no one picked up? They weren’t very friendly? Spoke too fast? Didn’t ask your name? Didn’t ask what happened? Couldn’t describe the service? Couldn’t justify the price? Put you on hold? Or, most importantly, didn’t go for the close?

The CallGrader is like clinical troubleshooting. You already know you’re missing out on revenue from new patients. But it’s not clear where the leak is. 

You can’t fix a problem until you know the cause. 

Maybe you suspect your phone answer rate. Maybe you suspect something else. Maybe you have no idea.

With the CallGrader, you can rule out the single most common cause of lost revenue. And even if you learn your answer rate defies the averages and is already above 90%, now you’ll know it, and can commend your staff for their excellent work – with data to prove it. 

And to be clear, CallGrader isn’t meant to ‘spy’ on your staff or as a way to make them look bad or blame them for lost revenue. Remember – a 70% answer rate is the industry average. So, it is normal to have a terrible answer rate. 

If you can get your rate to where it should be – 95% or higher – it won’t be long before you become the star clinic in your region. Your staff will share in the joy of this achievement as much as you will.

CallGrader is a training tool, and if you use it positively, as a means to train your staff, they will love it because the results are measurable. Now, clear goals can be set and met.

Also as a special bonus, Rick Lau will teach you some growth strategies on how you can get even more patients without relying on your marketing team… so you book at least an extra 10 new patients in the next 30 days... 

What are you waiting for? Get your Answer Rate tested for FREE. Our automated system randomly calls your clinic over the 3-4 week testing period and finds out how many calls you are missing.  You will know with 100% certainty whether your clinic is doing a great or bad job with answering the phones. 

You have nothing to lose but only new patients to gain. 
Watch What This Office Manager Does After Confirming Her Gut Feeling about Her Clinic’s Answer Rate
Listen to this Clinic Owner Who No Longer Puts Blind Faith in His Phones
What are you waiting for? Get your Answer Rate tested for FREE. Our automated system randomly calls your clinic over the 3-4 week testing period and finds out how many calls you are missing. You will know with 100% certainty whether your clinic is doing a great or bad job with answering the phones. 

Also as a special bonus, Rick Lau will teach you some growth strategies on how you can get even more patients without relying on your marketing team… so you book at least an extra 10 new patients in the next 30 days... 

You have nothing to lose but only new patients to gain. 

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