7:30 am: Registration Opens
8:30 am: The Future of Healthcare and Why Patient Experience Operations Matters. Consumers have more options for care than ever before. You'll learn what you can do now to combat the challenges and trends that you'll face in 2019 and beyond.
Rick Lau
10:00 am: Clinic Owner Confessions. Meet owner's who don't live in your city so you don't have to feel alone and can learn from their success and apply it to your business and gain a hugh competitive edge.
10:30 am: [Workshop] How the most successful clinic owners get back an extra 5 hours each week and use that time to make an extra $15,000 per month.
Learn how Karen (this multi million dollar clinic owner) built the perfect work/life balance so she could spend more “present” time with her family.
Sanjeev Bhatia, Karen Craven
12:00 pm: Healthy Lunch and a chance to network with other clinic owners
1:30 pm: How to raise your prices every year without price resistance from your patients.
You'll learn a clever way to raise your prices without any “backlash” from your patients… even if your competitors are cheaper.
Aaron LeBauer
2:00 pm: [Fireside Chat] Learn 5 revenue boosters you can implement right away with your front desk operations to easily pay for this conference
These 5 ways are dead simple to implement and work whether you’re just starting out, 7, 8, or 9 figure clinic owner.
Sanjeev Bhatia, Jerry Durham, Matthew Laing, Raj Suppiah
3:00pm: [Worksheet] Fixing the Leaks in Your New Patient Funnel
Sanjeev Bhatia
3:30 pm: Ice Cream Bar Break
4:00 pm: [Workshop] How to talk to your clinicians about their bad numbers (patient self-discharging) in a way that motivates them to improve patient outcomes.
What metrics you should be tracking.
A dead simple way to improve your patient discharge rate.
Paul Moon, Darryl Yardley, Krista Williams, Colin Wasylynuk
5:30 pm: Clinic Boss Networking Party (sponsored by Medexa) Get delicious food, drinks, and live entertainment so you can network even more with owners and speakers